Can images really show the beauty of wild animals or the colours of Irish sunsets? By avoiding these 5 mistakes, you can transform the outcome of your photos into Instagrammable pictures.
These nature photography mistakes are the kind that you don’t even know you’re making. They’re the type of mistakes that are easy to miss, but they’re absolutely critical to your photography.
Mistake #1 - No Respect for nature
Humans have a responsibility to look after nature. Not all of us take up that responsibility.
Our first tip is that if you decide to use natural spaces, you should respect your outdoor office and its habitants. Make sure you don’t leave residue or force animals to be in your picture. Respect their beauty and the planet first!
Mistake #2 - Bad Backgrounds
Calm yourself. I know you’re excited about the subject of your photograph. But the subject is surrounded by other features. If you don’t take them into account you’ll regret it.
A busy background can attract attention. Whoever views the image may not even notice what you want him or her to see. Adjust your position or distance so your background complements the rest of the image.
Mistake #3 - Just a picture
People won’t love a picture simply because it’s about nature. You have to show them why the image has value. For example, you can use the angles technique.
Try taking a photograph from a unique angle instead of eye level.
“It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart, and head.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson
Mistake #4 - Overuse flash
Don’t be tempted to use your flash all the time. This flash is not as sophisticated as your normal camera’s. The Smartphone flash may alter colours instead of enhancing the image. We suggest using natural lights, playing with them, having fun and use also filters!
Here is a list of the most instagrammable filters that you can use in your pictures:
- VSCO was created to emulate the properties of real film stocks from big companies such as Kodak and Fujifilm. If you crave that grainy film look, this is the perfect tool to use.
- Snapseed is one of the best mobile photo editing apps out there. Apart from offering filters, it also includes all the tools you need, from removing blemishes to improving skin tone.
- If you have Adobe Creative Cloud, you need to download Lightroom Mobile on your phone. This is the perfect app to use if you want unlimited options for filters that look professional.
Mistake #5 - Impatience
Nature and animals follow their own schedules and minds. You can’t tell them what to do.
Patience links with expectation. If you think you will capture the perfect image you will often be disappointed. The greatest photographers know it takes time. If you really want an exceptional photograph of the perfect sunset or capturing an animal feeding a baby, you need to wait and be patient. Miracles can happen in pictures!
Ready to have Instagrammable nature pictures!
Now you should know all about these seven deadly nature photography mistakes.
And you’re prepared to avoid them!
The key is to just keep a lookout. Maybe even create a checklist.
Have any nature photography mistakes that I didn’t discuss? Share them in the comments!